Powder Keg

THE POWDER KEG Dry Chemical Skid from WILLIAMS FIRE & HAZARD CONTROL represents a powerful tool in a small, convenient package used to combat pressurized fuel fires. The package is designed to be mounted in a compartment of a fire truck.
The system is packed with 75 lbs (34 Kg) of PKW™ dry chemical powder and powered by conventional 4,500 PSI air-pack bottles that can be easily replaced or recharged. The vessel is refillable with PKW.
At the heart of this package is a Hydro-Chem™ nozzle. When combined with a pressurized water/foam source, this system can extinguish a fire at ranges not possible with conventional equipment.
The unit can provide Dry Chem flows of 5 or 7 lbs/second (2.3 or 3.2 Kg/second), and water/foam solution rates of 60, 95, or 125 GPM (227, 360 or 473 Lpm).
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