Apirol FX3 C Fluoroprotein

APIROL FX3 C 3% Fluoroprotein Foam Concentrate combines hydrolyzed protein with fluorochemical surfactants, foam stabilizers (metal salts), bactericide, corrosion inhibitors, freeze point depressants and solvents to provide superior fire and vapor suppression for Class B hydrocarbon fuel fires. This protein-based foam concentrate is intended for forceful or gentle firefighting applications at 3% solution in fresh, salt, or hard water.

Approvals, Listings, and Standards APIROL FX3 C 3% Fluoroprotein Concentrate is approved, listed, qualified under, or meets the requirements of the following specifications and standards:

-UL Standard 162, Foam Liquid Concentrates

-EN 1568:2008 – Parts 1, 3

-IMO MSC.1/Circ.1312

-MED Modules B and D


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